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Jean-Claude Kamwenubusa
04 May
About Me:
Jean-Claude Kamwenubusa has diploma on gender and Development by World Bank and started courses in Communication at University of Lake Tanganyika.  Since 2006, he is young very committed leader, the founder of Association for Solidarity, Health and Social Assistance in Burundi (ASASS-BURUNDI).RICE-FARMING PROJECTInvolved in rural farmers cooperative Alliance initiated by ASASS-BURUNDI, aimed at ending poverty, conflicts and promote agriculture in Burundi as a modern sustainable natural resources preservation and as an employment option through education scholarships that enable farmers to go to school and through micro-loans program which enable them to return in to their communities to start Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for selling both services and products in Markets, he started his small farming business of rice-growing in 2011.Supported technically by his Canadian Citizen close friend, Jean Claude was able to increase crops productivity of rice in the rented garden.In 2012 his rice farming business gained much fruits, he was able to buy two big lands. Money he was using to rent gardens is now used to pay an agronomist expert.2013 neighbour students started to understand the importance of conservation of natural resources through trees planting and farming activities.In May 2013 they started to contact Jean-Claude asking for guide on starting their own small farmer cooperatives as employment option.In 2014, Jean Claude coach more than 20 groups of villager farmers and 150 groups of farmer students admitted in various public and private universities of Burundi, therefore Jeancka University Center was created to help them with coordination, scholarships, micro-loan advertising etc.Farming employment is promising both for farmers and for consumers. However, Jean Claude with his small group and organisation cannot achieve this big business alone. There is a lot of needs but priorities for 2014-2015 is:Skills: Training for project leaders and for the farmers: Need of scholarships to send 100 students funs of farming as employment option to university and a need of micro-loans grants to be provided to students who complete their university studies.Needs of seeds and agricultural materials for our group: Need of funds to grant our farmer’s groups to buy seeds and other resources they needs in gardens.Therefore you are welcome to contact him to suggest way you can cooperate with him or with his organisation to plan, implement and support development projects in Burundi.  Currently he look for partners on project aimed at supporting our project to grant the farmers the scholarship to go to school and the micro-loans grants to enable them to start small business after schooling.Connect, read his profile on LinkedIn and contact with Jean-Claude  here: Kamwenubusa has over 9 years of experience in rural farming cooperative management, development, and youth network organizations coordination as representative of Network of African Youth for Development (NAYD), Global Youth Coalition on Aids (GYCA) , etc.He looks for new employment or volunteer opportunity to represent a UK-based foundation and may be serve as YPARD-Burundi Representative and collaborate with UK charity which will partner with ASASS-BURUNDI on long term projects of fundraising and implementing agricultural and conservation of natural resources, policy research, development, water, orphan care, education, healthcare, diseases prevention and entrepreneurship initiatives in Burundi.
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