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asadollah ebrahimi
20 Mar
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An introductory note onAgricultural and Natural Resources Engineering Disciplinary Organizationof the Islamic Republic of Iran (ANREDOI)Agricultural and Natural Resources Engineering Disciplinary Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran (ANREDOI) which will be referred to as “Organization“ is a non governmental and independent organization which according to the law approved by the Islamic National Assembly was established in month of teer 1380 (June 2001). Graduates from agricultural and natural resources subjects and related courses from bachelor degree and higher can become members of the organization. In the law of establishment of the organization, certain objectives and duties have been considered for it, most important of which are as the following:- Trying to promote the level of knowledge, development of new technologies- Trying to protection and sustainability of the environment and renewable base resources-Trying to increasing the quality and quantity of agricultural Productions.- Monitoring of fair implementation of technical and professional duties of organization’s members- Protecting and supporting the rights of agricultural and natural resources engineers and those who benefit from their services and trying to promote professional morality.- Trying in fair implementation of law and regulations related to agriculture- Making cooperation and coordination between different organizations related to agriculture and supporting sectoral and professional formations.- Trying to promote the professional capabilities of agricultural and natural resources engineers.- Supporting the productive institutes in agricultural sector- Trying to organization of occupational opportunities for graduates- Consulting about compilation of regulation, instructions, rules and laws related to agriculture.- Giving engineering regulation membership number and card to members.- Cooperating for preparation and compilation of higher education.Because human resources are the principal element of wealth of each nation and doubtlessly, the fundamental factor for knowledge based and sustainable agricultural development process is human capital, Presence of graduates in agricultural fields such as production, consultant, technical and implementing (contracting) services can play an effective role in promotion of productivity of production factors.Also, holding courses in applied education, training and retraining of members is one of duties of the organization in preparing them for participation in technical and professional activities.Investigation of unprofessional and non technical behavior of members is carried out in primary security boards in the provinces and is reviewed in central Supremes security board.The participation procedure of members in policy making and programs of the organization is such that, after agricultural and natural resources engineers have become members of the organization in accordance with the law, they become members of the general assembly of the provincial organization in which they have enrolled, and monitor the performance of the related provincial organization plans and budget. Performance and financial balance of each province should be approved by majority of its assembly members.The central general assembly is formed by election of two members from each provincial council, and has the duty of investigating plans, policies and budget of the organization. Election of ten members of central council is another important duty of general assembly. Five other members of central council are representatives of ministry of Jahade-agricultural (two members), ministry of energy (one member), environmental protection organization (one member), and ministry of science, research and technology (one member). Presence of representatives of governmental ministries and organizations in central council has been considered in order to delegate parts of governmental duties in agricultural sector to this NGO. All resolutions of central council and provincial councils are valid with absolute majority vote of members.The central council, which has fifteen members, is the highest decision-making authority of the organization and resolves and announces all implementing instructions about establishment law and policies of the organization. Election of the chief of central organization is done by central council and chief of each provincial organization is elected by provincial council. The appointment letter of the chief of central organization is issued by president of the Islamic Republic of Iran.Seven members from total eleven members of each provincial council are elected and other four members are representatives of related implementing organizations. The implementing policies of provinces are prepared by provincial councils within the context of regulations and resolutions of central council. The organization can also form branches in towns, formation procedure of which is accorded to related by law.Implementing section of the organization and its formation chart is determined according to the resolution of central council and has the duty of making law, bylaws, and resolutions of central council operational. The chives of central council and provincial councils are also heads of central and provincial organizations respectively.The expenditures of the organization is provided for by income from membership fees of members, financial support of government, obtaining the cost of training and technical services, grants and helps of natural and legal entities, a percent of payment obtained for giving engineering services which have been delegated by the organization to the members. For investigation of accounts, balance sheets and annual performance of the central and provincial organizations, a qualified audit institutions is designated by the central and provincial general assemblies for each case.  The major activities of Agricultural Engineering Disciplinary Organization (during 2001-2007)Accepting membership of 90963 natural and 2391 legal entity members.Preparation, compilation and sanction of regulations, instructions, rules and laws needed for organization including 320 casesOrganizing and formation of 64 central council meetings and decision making on affairs related to central councils of provinces.Investigation of topics related to the organization and agriculture sector in technical committees and education council of central organizationDifferent sessions on investigation of affairs related to the organization and agriculture sector in technical committees of provincial councils and decision making on the agendum.Giving Engineering Regulation membership number and card to 90963 natural members and 2391 legal entity members and giving occupational license for 9467 members.Qualification assessment and grading of 12239 members of the organization.Execution of “Proposal Regulation” proceeding 3723 received proposals through 171 sessions and sanction of 389 proposals.Investigation, sanction and giving authority to found 30 branches in provinces and 16 branches in cities.Appreciating 35 provincial and national active elites in agriculture sector during the first national symposium of the organization.Establishing 104 yearly public association of central council and provincial organizations (101 provincial and 3 central councils).Establishing 284 scientific seminars and conferencesFoundation of high disciplinary board and primary disciplinary boards.Establishing applied education courses.Establishing formal expert exam in 7 branches of agriculture for 1616 applicant members and interviewing 192 admitted ones.Establishing 448 periodic exams in 16 fields.Preparation, compilation, sanction and execution of 32 applied education standards and preparation of 7 drafts on education standards.Compilation and drawing up of 21 mutual agreement with related executive organizations in order to provide suitable backgrounds for members’ presence in agriculture sector.Facilitating and providing occupational opportunities for temporary and permanent jobs for 28165 members.Leading and supplying natural members of the organization to found job finding institutes (23 inst.) in agriculture sector.Leading natural members to found advisor institutes and contractor offices.Preparation, compilation and sanction of 4-year plan for the organization. Preparation and sanction of constitutions for “cooperation and welfare box”, “common box of provinces”, seasonal journal, “publishing institute”, “research, education, extension and legal agriculture institute”, and founding agricultural stock exchange.Selecting 302 city communicators by provincial organizations to prepare continuous relations with members in cities.Establishing internet site to give informational services of the organization.Preparing, printing and publishing 54 internal news issues (269000 number printed), 16 seasonal journal (680000 number printed), the book of laws and sanctions of the central council (15000 number printed), yearbook of the organization (4 years with 80000 number printed), printing 18700 books and journals by publishing institute of the organization and distribution of the all issues up to 776700 prints.Investigation and giving definite authority for 11 provincial organizations to print their internal news.Accepting membership of 14317 members in “cooperation and welfare box”.Providing 4000 car-purchase loans and distribution of them among members.Investigation and sanction of leading and fundamental topics in agriculture sector in 8 groups.Self sufficiencyApplication of researches in agricultureSelf sufficiency in production of wheatAssessment of supportive policies in agriculture sectorPrinciples and priorities in agricultureThe organization of ordering production and distribution of agricultural productsThe plan for occupation of 10000 peopleThe plan for enhancement of educational level and extension of modern technologies in agriculture    
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