In continuation of earlier InterDrought Conferences held in France (ID-I, 1995), Italy (ID-II, 2005), China (ID-III, 2009) and Australia (ID-IV, 2013), the next InterDrought Conference, InterDrought-V, is being organized in India during 21-25 Feb, 2017.
Given the severity of drought, a central challenge for researchers and policy makers is to device technologies that lend greater resilience to agricultural production under this stress. InterDrought conferences, in view of above, serve as a platform for presenting and debating key issues and strategies relevant for improving drought and other stress tolerance in crops. The main mission of the conference is to explore the possibilities of scientific and technological applications in crop improvement.
Email: [email protected]
YPARD Global Coordination Unit
Hosted by AGRIDEA and the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Lausanne, Switzerland and Prague, Czech Republic