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YPARD Helped Transform my Image of what Agriculture is all about!

I was a bit intimated at first because I knew nothing about using social media to support a conference and plus it was on topics I hardly knew about. I was not sure if I should join YPARD because I did not have an agricultural background and I was new to working in this sector. Then I thought, why not? So,I took a leap of faith and I decided to join YPARD so that I could learn more and interact with young professionals in the field.

The experience I had remotely / online has been life changing for me. Even though I have never been to any event in person, supporting various events via social media over the years have made me feel part of the group. The lessons learned from live-tweeting during events, webinars, blog posts and the exchange of emails by various members have empowered me so much. My outlook and image about agriculture and youth’s role has been forever changed since 2012.

It all started back in 2012 when I was new to the concept of using social media especially Twitter for the greater good. A YPARDian followed me on Twitter and as I was reading through her profile, I noticed a posting for a call for youth to join the social media team for #GCARD2 remotely. This posting is where it all began for me!

I was a bit intimated at first because I knew nothing about using social media to support a conference and plus it was on topics I hardly knew about. I was not sure if I should join YPARD because I did not have an agricultural background and I was new to working in this sector. Then I thought, why not? So,I took a leap of faith and I decided to join YPARD so that I could learn more and interact with young professionals in the field.

The experience I had remotely / online has been life changing for me. Even though I have never been to any event in person, supporting various events via social media over the years have made me feel part of the group. The lessons learned from live-tweeting during events, webinars, blog posts and the exchange of emails by various members have empowered me so much. My outlook and image about agriculture and youth’s role has been forever changed since 2012.

As a member of YPARD, I have helped to spread the awareness of youth in agriculture globally to as many people and organizations as possible.This has been my mission. I continue to be enlightened by each new project and initiatives that YPARD takes on and I hope that many of you out there have a chance to experience this by becoming a member.

My hope one day is to finally make it to a social media training to meet the team in person! For the time being, I will continue to learn and be inspired by the youth in agriculture professionals who are the present and future of creating a food secure world.

Many countries have stressed that many youth are no longer interested in agriculture. Yes, this was me at first; but now because of the work of YPARD, you can interact with thousands of young, bright innovative minds who have plans to transform the image of agriculture. Most recently, YPARD & GFAR’s Youth Agripreneurs Project (YAP) launched during #GCARD3 is proof that youth are ready to take on the new challenges of agriculture with their own innovations.

Agriculture is the foundation of civilization; without it, we will not survive. We have to eat and securing this basic human right is necessary for our survival and national security!

Pay attention, YPARD is doing great things! I encourage all who do not know about this network to join! Your consciousness will forever be changed!

I wish YPARD a happy 10 years of Empowering Youth in Agriculture and I am honored and humbled to have been a member for 4 years!

Testimonial by Kristyn Nanlal Khetia, a national from Trinidad & Tobago currently working in Washington D.C., USA as a consultant for an International Organization working on Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Celebrate YPARD 10 years with us; stay tuned at