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ALLONS SEULEMENT (Let’s Just Go) : Destination GCARD3

Ghislain, working on the field with the youth for ICT4AG

Seems like in south Africa, the one and only rainbow nation in Africa, hosting events has turned to be a routine for this great intra-cultural diversified country. We heard about the Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture (GFIA Africa)[1] hosted in Dec 2015 and shall here about the SA Agri Summit in Sept 2016[2] . But now and in the hearts of ARD and social media advocates, senses are focused at the global event of all time, the GCARD3[3] coming to Johannesburg on April 5-8, 2016.

“No One Left Behind: Agri-Food Innovation and Research for a Sustainable World” is the theme for the year’s event and it’s key directories shall be axed on five pillars being:

  1. Scaling Up:  from research to impact;
  2. Demonstrating results and attracting Investments;
  3. Keeping science relevant and future-focused;
  4. Sustaining the business of farming, and
  5. Ensuring a better rural future

The power of the food chain value is in the hands of the grass root farmers and one can’t talk about agricultural productivity if they aren’t. Thus, if they give in energy, time allowance to render the world a better place and in that light, the counterpart must be that, means and resources are to be mandated on their behalf. All these themes are very important and relevant for a future change in the agricultural sector because shall enhance:

  1. Better and intelligent agricultural practices by farmers;
  2. Accruing agro-economic level for all;
  3. Rational, Sustainable agricultural development as well as adoption to new technologies (2nd generation) for all;
  4. Better agribusiness processing for all;
  5. An upgrade to a familial status and a community at large.

As a young activist for agricultural development and new ICTs popularization in rural zones, I believe in a better world, emerging communities and a global equality in accessing and utilization of conventional development tools be it agricultural, technological, just to name a few. The GCARD3 having an open and strong vision, is the turning platform in which all youths who participates, shall come out matured and the experience acquired gained shall be the boom which shall revolutionize rural and sustainable development of the world, BY YOUTHS FOR YOUTHS.

Being trained on the Web2.0 and social media, passing through the ARD Web4knowledge thanks to ypard, social media reporting/networking is now my “day-in-day-out”. Being among the 30 youths who remotely reported, via bloggings and else during the AUDAY2015 and also being among the 10 youths acknowledged as best remote online social media reporters during the CPAF15,my flair for social media, writing, verbal and communication skills isn’t a surprise for me any longer.

Empowering youths in agriculture is no longer a question of incapability or dependency but a common vision to transmit, for a common goal to achieve because in our hands lies a blossoming sphere who, if polished in the right way, shall never fade away.  Restituting the outcomes of GCARD3 to my country members via capacity building and implementing it directly in our 2016 strategic plans of actions, is my vision on how to build up what  I will perceive, grab as experience and acquire as new skills if the opportunity is given to me to attend.


#GCARD3… Toujours plus Loin, Toujours plus Haut, Toujours plus Fort




This blog post is part of the GCARD3 Youth blogpost applications. The content, structure and grammar is at the discretion of the author only.


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