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Antioxidant activity and mineral composition of selected kind of small berry fruits

This abstract emerged as one of the outstanding research within the poster Session on Sustainable food systems and quality at the CASEE Scientific conference 2021. YPARD held a scientific competition that was tagged "Empowering young researchers of the Danube region in sustainable food systems" within the CASEE conference 2021.

The competition aimed to support the continued professional and personal growth of young professionals attending the CASEE Conference. The top three posters and the top three oral presentations related to sustainable food systems were selected. 

Enjoy reading the abstract!

Authors: E. Ivanišová, D. ?urká?ová, ?. Harangozo &. A. Kolesárová - The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra , Slovak Republic, Nitra, Slovakia.

Small berries are consumed due to their attractive colour, special taste and are considered as one of the richest sources of bioactive compounds. The aim of the present study was to determine antioxidant activity (ABTS method), total polyphenol (using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent), flavonoid (aluminium chloride method), phenolic acid content (using Arnov ?s reagent) and chemical composition (AAS instrument) of cranberries
(Vaccinium vitis-idea L.) variety Sanna and Linea from local Slovak producer. Antioxidant activity ranged from 69.41 to 83.73 mg TEAC per g of dry matter (TEAC - Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity). Total polyphenol content ranged from 20.46 to 26.56 GAE per g of dry matter (GAE - gallic acid equivalent); total flavonoid content from 2.06 to 2.67 QE per g of dry matter (QE - quercetin equivalent) and total phenolic
acid content from 15.65 to 18.45 CAE per g of dry matter (CAE - caffeic acid equivalent). The higher amount of antioxidant activity as well as phenolics was observed in variety Linea. The same tendency was observed among mineral compounds - in variety Linea was determined higher amount (mg/kg) of iron (26.10), manganese (151.80), zinc (7.50), copper (2.50), nickel (2.10) and cobalt (0.30) with compare to variety Sanna (Fe - 18.30; Mn - 99.80; Zn - 6.80; Cu - 1.40; Ni - 1.20 and Co - 0.20). The amount of cadmium, lead and mercury was not detected in observed samples, so our results reveal that the cranberries do not
represent in this study a potential health risk regarding the content of toxic elements. The consumption of small berries as a part of food mode of consumers due to health benefits is recommended.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic projects APVV-18-0312, VEGA 1/0266/20, the Operational Program Integrated Infrastructure within the
project: Demand-driven research for the sustainable and inovative food, Drive4SIFood 313011V336, cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund, and AgroBioTech Research Centre built in accordance with the project Building ,,AgroBioTech" Research Centre ITMS 26220220180.

If you are captured by this research topic and would like to discover more, please contact Eva Ivanišová via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Picture credit: Eva Ivanišová 

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