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Apply to be part of the YPARD Philippines first mentoring program

Update 29 November 2017: Applications have now closed 

Are you an agricultural student or young professional in the Philippines looking for growth and learning opportunities? Or are you expert in agriculture based in the Philippines who is looking for fresh partnerships and ideas?

We have the perfect program for you!

YPARD Philippines is holding its first Mentoring Program, which is aimed at helping students and young professionals in agricultural development reach their goals through mentoring.

As such, we are looking for mentors and mentees from the following fields:

  • Academe
  • Research and Development
  • Extension and Communication
  • Policy/Government
  • Agribusiness

Still unsure if you want to apply? Check out the benefits of being a mentor and benefits of being a mentee.

Some details to note before you apply:

  • Both mentors and mentees must be involved in agriculture-related activities.
  • The mentoring program will cover a period of one year from January 2018 to January 2019
  • Mentees should be under the age of 39 and be YPARD Philippines members (join YPARD here!)
  • This mentoring program is exclusive to Filipinos or foreign nationals who reside in the Philippines
  • Mentors and mentees are required to meet at least two hours a month. In-person meetings are encouraged, as transportation and communication allowances will be provided.
  • All selected mentors and mentees will be required to attend the stay-in Mentoring Workshop on January 29 to February 1, 2018 at the University of the Philippines Los Baños.

To apply as a mentee visit

To register your profile as a mentor visit: 

Application period will close on November 25, 2017, 11:59pm. For questions or clarifications, please feel free to contact Maggie Del Valle at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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