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Smart Farming: Youth and ICT way!

Agriculture needs change and yes, it is changing. I am a young researcher at Bihar Agricultural University, India also actively engaged with YPARD as working board member. I am researching on areas to catalyse youth leadership for accelerating agricultural growth with the use of modern ICT tools. The contribution of small farmers to total farm output in India exceeds 50%, while... More

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  • India
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  768 Hits
768 Hits

National Seminar on Rural Youth in Family Farming in India: Promoting Sustainable use of Natural Resources and Safeguarding Agro-biodiversity

Agriculture may be considered as the largest private enterprise in India which is largely dominated by small and marginal farmers. The Census of India: Economic Activity brings out that the Indian workforce is over 400 million strong, which constitutes 39.1 % of the total population of the country. The dependence on agriculture is brought out by the fact that out of... More

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  • India
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  795 Hits
795 Hits