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Social Media and Its Role in Empowering the Youth to Feed Africa

How does it feel to have a room where like minded African young people come together for a discussion and debate full experiential learning from one another?  Imagine for a moment when you have a world where professionals of your ages from a multiple backgrounds come together to question, answer or share their experiences on a given weekly theme? If that... More

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  • Ethiopia
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  667 Hits
667 Hits

We Need to Change Our Mind Set: The Ignored Africa’s Big Sector Profession

Before reading this post, I want you to take a moment and digest one question. Ready? Let’s go. Who are farmers’ in your locality and how do those peoples possess that title? Take your moment… Am hoping you will come up with a general description of those people with why they belong to that group. Now let’s bounce to the deep... More

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  • Ethiopia
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  839 Hits
839 Hits

Agri-Hub Ethiopia Annual Networking Day

Agri-Hub Ethiopia (AHE), a platform, has organized an annual networking day on December 13, 2012 and invited interested organizations and individuals to participate on the workshop. I have attended the workshop- representing YPARD. The day long event was hosted in Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Around 60 members of the AHE were participated.  It was started with the Agri-Hub coordinator Mr.... More

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  • Ethiopia
  831 Hits
831 Hits