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The AgriTech project: YPARD Armenia global café

“Nation in Action started active involvement in Armenian AgriTech Sector since 2019”, says Hovhannes Yeritsyan, the founder of the project at the YPARD Global Café Yerevan, on November 29, 2020. More than 25 young professionals gathered to learn and share practice on the development of environmentally friendly and modern agriculture, on stable income and financial security. Nation in Action is a... More

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  • Armenia
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  881 Hits
881 Hits

The GYOOGH project at the YPARD Armenia Café

One of the most joyful projects that were presented at the YPARD Global Café Yerevan was the Gyoogh project which is being implemented by the young and active people. Anna Danielyan who is a cofounder of this active project presented the objectives of their initiative. Gyoogh organizes unique village tours, quests, intellectual games for tourists and locals, in partnership with people... More

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  • Armenia
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  863 Hits
863 Hits

Cross-Border Alliance for Climate-Smart and Green Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin (AGREEN)

Within the framework of the first YPARD Global Café Yerevan organized on the 29th of November 2020, we were pleased to host the AGREEN project and one of the program coordinators Lilit Avdalyan. From her interactive presentation, one could learn that the AGREEN project promotes the concept for climate-smart agriculture (CAS) as an approach for developing agricultural strategies to secure sustainable... More

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  • Armenia
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  933 Hits
933 Hits

YPARD Armenia Café and the IRIS Business Incubator

IRIS Business Incubator was the best host for the YPARD Global Café Yerevan on November 29th, 2020. YPARD Yerevan chose the IRIS Business Incubator for the meeting to showcase how small ideas become great businesses. The Coordinator of IRIS Narine Terzyan had a presentation on their previously implemented projects and informed the participants about the current opportunities suggested by the business... More

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  • Armenia
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  910 Hits
910 Hits

Global Event without Girl from Armenia?

Can you imagine a time when youth from rural areas will be able to solve agricultural problem with a mouse click. What if I said that every TV network, movie, blog, book, and other forms of social media use this same tactic? Better yet, what if I showed you how to leverage this tactic to attract more subscribers and earn more... More

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  • Armenia
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  659 Hits
659 Hits