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Natural protein acting as an insecticide Vs Laboratory made chemical-insecticides

By analogy or logic, the “BT protein” is an insecticide since it kills the certain class of insects. However, there is a fundamental difference between the natural protein acting as an insecticide vs laboratory made chemical-insecticides. When you eat BT protein, enzymes in the stomach just degrade the BT protein as efficiently as it does with other proteins. The digestive acids... More
  389 Hits
389 Hits

Why are honeycomb cells hexagonal in shape?

Honey bees are fascinating creatures because of their incredible work ethic, sweet sugary substance and integrated social structure.It is actually smart geometry of nature. Hexagon is the only shape which shares common boundaries with other hexagon and doesn't waste any space. Think if it was all circular small cells, there will be small gap left betwe...en them. Similarly, triangle or square... More
  663 Hits
663 Hits