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Get to know - Hynek Roubík, young expert and enthusiasts in agriculture

In YPARD, we believe in the power of young professionals within the agricultural field. Our future is in their hands and it is very important to keep our youth encouraged. Today, I would like to introduce you to Dr. Hynek Roubík, an expert in organic waste management and sustainable technologies and second-youngest member of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and... More

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  • Czech Republic
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“Make agriculture sexy again” – interview with Hynek Roubík, a young Czech expert in waste management

Meet Ing. Hynek Roubík, Ph.D. a successful graduate of the Faculty of Tropical Agrisciences (FTA) at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU), leader of Biogas Research Team and agriculture enthusiast with a passion for his work. Hynek focuses mainly on organic waste management and is the author of several successful research thesis. As a young professional just 30 years... More

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  • Czech Republic
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The Impact of COVID-19 on World Food Security

The pandemic of COVID-19 has affected the availability of food worldwide. Due to the restrictions imposed, supply chains have been interrupted, exports have been banned by some countries, catering facilities have been closed and unemployment has risen. The world agricultural system has not been prepared for this unexpected situation and therefore it must be adapted. At the same time, this opens... More

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  • Czech Republic
  1161 Hits
1161 Hits

Pursuing agriculture as a career – my story

“Before I got to know what agriculture really was, I never imagined I could be a part of it”... I have always been connected to the world of nature. Since I was a small kid, I loved exploring flowers, trees and even the smallest insects in the soil. I was excited about every single butterfly or an earthworm. My hands were... More

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  • Czech Republic
  2727 Hits
2727 Hits