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To Go Organic or Not. A Young professional Dilemma!

After getting a job  I knew what I had to do to be a responsible consumer. I bravely survived price incentives and bought my yoghurt, cucumber, tomatoes, apples and courgettes in the biological variety at my local supermarket. I have to admit - it wasn't a big effort. The supermarket is 25 meter from my house and responsible consuming being the... More

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  • Netherlands
  787 Hits
787 Hits

What do you eat when you cook beef in Belgium?

Behold the impressive muscles of the blue cattle. The chances that you get a blue cattle bull when you order or buy beef in Belgium is extremely high. Bulls - yes, they use bulls and not very often cows - are double muscled: due to a missing gene that normally blocks muscle growth. It's a natural mutation and there has been... More

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  • Netherlands
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  2560 Hits
2560 Hits