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The role of Youth and Youth networks at the National Fisheries and Aquaculture conference in Malawi

I first heard of the global essay writing competition by Youth for Fish Program (YFFP) on how to fully engage youth in Fisheries and Aquaculture development from a friend at work. I later viewed it on the website of the Young Professionals Platform for Agricultural Research for development (YPARD). I first registered as a YFFP member  and then submitted my application... More

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  • Malawi
  1276 Hits
1276 Hits

Empowering youth in utilising untapped aquaculture opportunities for aquaculture development

It was an exciting experience to present during the sixth annual Ugandan fish farmers symposium on January 22nd, 2013. Youths’ participation during the symposium was vibrant. Some youths presented their innovations while others presented on behalf of their organisations. One of the aquaculture stakeholders at the symposium commended youth contributions saying that the youth of this generation presented a more practical... More

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  • Uganda
  1446 Hits
1446 Hits