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100 solutions for 1 problem: feeding the hungry planet

As someone who has enough food to eat on their plate every day, the fact that over 820 million people around the world still suffer from different forms of hunger horrifies me. This concern increases since the global population continues to rapidly increase while arable land decreases. To address this concern, Bayer Crop Science aims to empower the next generation of... More

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  • Nepal
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  20152 Hits
20152 Hits

Combating food insecurity amid COVID-19

The novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19 has taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of people globally to date. While we are dealing with this unprecedented pandemic, it is alarming that a higher number of people are and will be affected by a lack of food availability. Besides, political instability, natural disasters, unemployment and migration for ages have challenged Nepal... More

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  • Nepal
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  2322 Hits
2322 Hits

An inside look at first YPARD student research symposium

Last year, during the preparation of annual programs 2017, YPARD Nepal identified the need of youth’s capacity building activities to focus on recent graduates.  To address this issue, we organized an event - YPARD Student Research Symposium (shortly called and promoted as #YPARDSymposium) on November 8, 2017 at Hotel Shangri-La, Kathmandu, Nepal with the support of INGENEAS. #YPARDSymposium was designed to... More

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  • Nepal
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1243 Hits
1243 Hits

Regional symposium to scale up nutrition integration in agricultural extension

In 2016, I got to know about the Integrating Gender and Nutrition in Agriculture Extension (INGENAES) through the workshop: Organizational Capacity Building Training for INGEAES partner NGOs which was held on 18th-21st July 2016 at the Shangri-la Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal. Attending this event opened YPARD Nepal’s door to support its initiative for developing a strong network among the NGOs working in... More

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  • Nepal
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1063 Hits
1063 Hits

YPARD 10 years Celebrations at the International Agronomy Congress

The year 2016 marks YPARD’s 10th anniversary, and there have been ongoing celebrations globally. Within the same breadth, YPARD India toyed around the idea of a grand celebration of the #YPARD10Years at the “4th International Agronomy congress”.  And with the support of YPARD Asia and Pacific, the idea became reality with an interesting twist to it given that the clelebrations were happening... More

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  • Nepal
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  896 Hits
896 Hits

YPARD Nepal- Steps in Capacity Building Process

In the year of 2001, the stunting rate in Nepal was 57.1% and ten years later, it was reduced to 40.5% with the average change of 1.66 per year which was the fastest reduction in child stunting in the world. But achieving this target was not easy and Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs) had the greatest contribution. Nepal is a geographically diverse country... More

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  • Nepal
  • Access to resources and capacity building
  605 Hits
605 Hits

YPARD Nepal Joins Food Fair in Promotion of Nutritional Values

Agriculture is the backbone of the Nepalese economy accounting for on average 60% of the Gross Domestic Product. It goes without saying that agriculture is the chief contributor for nutrition for many households.  On a nutritional point of view, Nepal produces various kinds of nutritious foods but the lack of information about their nutritional value has hindered their growth. I believe,... More

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  • Nepal
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  948 Hits
948 Hits

Young Minds to Ensure Better Rural Future

Recurring the past years up to now, the food security issue is being hot discussion among the unsolved global problems. Being as an academic student of food technology and a concerned youth, this subject has always been the matter of interest. I used to wonder how I will be able to join the discussion and make a significant contribution towards the... More

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  • Nepal
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  710 Hits
710 Hits

Fostering Gender in Nepalese Agriculture

Mrs. Chandra Kala Shrestha, a 31 year old woman has been practicing modern agriculture since 2011 in her small sized farm in Madhyapur Thimi, Nepal. She grows mostly offseason vegetables like tomatoes and pumpkins on her 0.3 ha of land and is continuously supported by her husband, Mr. Anil Kumar Shrestha as far as agricultural operations are concerned. Like many other... More

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  • Nepal
  1271 Hits
1271 Hits

“The Flashpoints” – Lightening up agriculture in Nepal

This blogpost by Nikita Bhusal, one of the GCARD3 social reporter,originally appeared on the GFAR website. Reflecting on discussions at the recent High level Policy Dialogue in Bangkok, Nikita Bhusal, a student of Food Technology from Nepal, believes the transition from traditional and subsistence agriculture in the Asia Pacific region depends on how we attend to a number of “flashpoints” for agricultural... More

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  0 Hits
0 Hits

Is the discussion over?

I’m thinking, is the discussion over? No, not yet, and I am not getting what I was expecting. I flew to Bangkok from my home country, Nepal,  to attend the GCARD3 Social Media Training and High Level Policy Dialogue on Investment in Agricultural Research for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific, organized by APAARI in collaboration with ACIAR, FAO-RAP, GFAR... More

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  914 Hits
914 Hits