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Students in Nepal at the YPARD CB event"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has" a saying by Margaret Mead. Every moment I keep it with me so secretly that in any difficult situation it makes me readily  refreshed and energized.  Nepal is a developing country with instable political system and governance. It is important to note it here because every other aspects of public life are linked with it directly and indirectly.

In this critical situation, it is necessary that the citizens need to be more responsible to contribute for change. Being an agriculture undergraduate studying in one of the most isolated institute of the country, I think about what really I can contribute for change.

About 65.5 % of people are directly engaged to agriculture as profession. Agriculture sector shares 35.61% of the total GDP (Agriculture Information and Communication Centre, Nepal 2012/13) . About 1800 youths fly abroad daily for employment (Migration Department of Tribhuwan International Airport, Nepal).

These facts depict how important is it to develop agriculture sector to boost up the national income and to provide employment here in the country. But it is to be noted that youths are being distracted  in acquiring agriculture careers.  Our social system is responsible for this to happen in many ways. Some are acquiring agriculture career more by chances. But, for me agriculture is my choice.

 In the world, where 10 million people go to bed without their meal (WFP 2013), imagine how good is it to invest in developing nuclear weapon in  the name of so called “security and establishing peace." The world peace cannot and will not be built on empty stomach" as stated by Dr. Norman E. Borlaug, father of green revolution is ironic in some way and is suitable to note here.

Different diseases and pests are threatening the farmers. Lack of irrigation is a century long hurdle. So, farmers are being attracted towards non-agricultural sectors. Agricultural labors are being attracted towards construction works and we are importing foodstuffs. We can see tall buildings in rice grown fields. Too few fields, too many hungry stomachs.  Agricultural production is related to socioeconomic factors too. These facts ensure that there are so many challenges in Nepali agriculture. So agriculture students like me need to be dedicated in research and extension, and be innovative in every possible ways.

This is the lesson that I have learned from the web session organized by Amnesty International  Nepal, Paklihawa Youth Network in collaboration with Young Professionals' platform for Agriculture Development (YPARD), Youth for Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture(YCSA), Youth Endeavour for Sustainable Agriculture (YES Agriculture) . The Youth Network believes that human rights issues are too related with hunger. The program disclosed myriads of issues of Nepali agriculture with opportunity of learning different technical skills on Information and Communications Technology.

Inspiring and motivating words of Mr.Dinesh Panday made me so enthusiastic. I am now more dedicated to contribute something for agriculture. Developing agriculture is developing more satisfied stomachs, more peace, more healthy and more prosperous world.

Bivekananda Mahat, local representative from Paklihawa Campus, IAAS, Nepal

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