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EduMala Online Platform Boosts Learning Opportunities

I am an early career veterinary professional and I hail from a society where livestock rearing occupies a huge share in my people livelihoods. I chose to be a veterinarian because of an intense interest to care for animals. It would be more complicated to bring mega changes but I believe that I can provide some livestock services to farmers which matter much to them than any others.

Actually, I am proactive to learn something new from wherever I can. Thus, I came across EduMala Mentoring Program- 3rd session on “Managing Livestock-based Community Development Projects” on YPARD Nepal facebook group. Then and there I decided it would be a good platform to strengthen my knowledge regarding livestock based projects and finally, I got enrolled as one of the 25 mentees through a competitive selection process.

Engaging on such an online/offline program was really exciting to me,and to be frank, it was a totally new experience! The chat with the group members, the group discussions and the reading materials offered by mentor- Dr. Dilip Bhandari were within the theme and they were really supportive. I got chance to know what I didn’t know and the training and sharpened my understanding on what I previously knew.

Through the program, I got to know about the basic amenities for projects; importance of value chain study, demand and supply gap mapping, constraints and risks management, training to farmers and choosing appropriate animal species. In the meantime, I searched many things related to subject matter which helped me to develop an effective searching habit.The more interesting about the program which I loved much was the webinar section where we had direct interaction with our mentor. The mentor guided us through the answers so magically by taking examples from Nepalese context. It really arose a great enthusiasm and a feeling of confidence to me when the Program Coordinator/YPARD Nepal representative - Mr. Dinesh Panday continuously guided me (us) while communicating with my mentor.

Frankly, I haven’t been involved in any community development projects yet. But through this program, I have gathered a very strong will and courage for management of livestock-based community development projects. By spending two weeks on the program, what I got from EduMala is of immense value to develop skills and knowledge in my professional life. Again, it was a great opportunity for me to be a part of it.

The program ended very successfully but still, there is alot to be improved with the EduMala platform.It would be better if the organizer develops tutorial video(s) about what mentees are going to do in the learning platform. Also, it would be better if the mentor can manage time to give some more assignments.

As a rule of nature, nothing is perfect on itself and at a time. However, this type of mentoring program plays a vital role on improving our knowledge and inter-personal skills. It really did in my case. Thanks to Dr. Dilip Bhandari for his mentorship, and Mr. Dinesh Panday for his support and motivation on the behalf of EduMala team.  

I would, from the inner core of my heart like to suggest every agriculturist, every veterinarian, every farmer and every individual who has a keen interest in livestock rearing to be a part of “EduMala” and extract some valuable treasures. 

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