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Exploring Opportunities and Risks for the Poultry Industry in Bangladesh

Industry leaders, researchers, scientists, entrepreneurs and students of different universities gathered from 19-21 February for the 9th International Poultry Show and Seminar 2015 in the Bangabandhu International Conference Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The objective: improving food safety to help create a substantial poultry industry in Bangladesh.

Both show and seminar were organized by the World's Poultry Science Association Bangladesh Branch (WPSA-BB), the Bangladesh chapter of World's Poultry Science Association- the oldest association working on the development on the poultry worldwide since 1912.

During the opening session, Minister of Agriculture, Matia Chowdhury urged to the local poultry entrepreneurs to enhance their safe protein production for fulfilling the local demand and to explore markets abroad for export.

Dr. Md Gias Uddin, Head of Research at Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI) emphasized the importance of increasing healthy poultry industries by ensuring tannery wastes-free poultry feeds.

He also stressed about the fact that proportion of toxic elements like cadmium and chromium may surge in meat if birds take feed made of tannery wastes, which is dangerous for human health. He added that studies found chromium ranging from 249 microgram (mg) to 4,561 mg per kg in chickens that consumed feed manufactured with tannery wastes when the permissible limit is 10-60 mg.

"Earlier we were only emphasized on increasing production and now headache is to ensure safe food," said Dr Sattar Mandol. He explained that the government started implementing the Safe Food Law in February, which is a noteworthy job to ensure healthy food for the consumers.

“The sector must achieve international standards through the adoption of new technology that will reduce production costs and ensure the quality of meat and eggs if it aims to raise export quantity,” said by Mr. M. Rahman.

The event was presided by World’s Poultry Science Association-Bangladesh Branch (WPSA-BB) President Mr. Moshiur Rahman and Minister of Agriculture, Matia Chowdhury. Mr. Md Eunusur Rahman, Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture was present as guest of honor and Mr. Shamsul Arefin Khaled, Director of Nourish Poultry presented the keynote paper at the inaugural ceremony.

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