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Farming is Cool Rwanda - an Opportunity for Youth-in-Ag. in Rwanda

Farming is Cool Rwanda- an Opportunity for Youth and their initiatives  in Rwanda

Youth Minister Jean Philbert Nsengimana, State Minister for Agriculture Tony Nsanganira, and Balton CP head of business development Gilad Millo, at the launch of ‘Farming is Cool Rwanda’.

In February 2015, Balton Rwanda in partnership with the Government and the private sector Federation launched an agriculture based initiative that will empower youth in agribusiness.

The initiative 'Farming is Cool Rwanda' will address the mindset change among youth in agribusiness by scaling up the availability of technologies, knowledge, financing and market for youth in Rwanda. This goes in line with the government policy to promote Rwanda's private sector,

This initiative is part of 'Farming is Cool Africa' and its first campaign will consist of schools competitions that will mobilize and encourage youth to be more involved in agriculture. The top candidates will be awarded with Balton Farmers Kits, and it will also be a platform of partners to support youth initiatives in agriculture.

Rwanda unemployment is low, on contrast with underemployment, which is very high (65%). This is why this initiative will support youth in agri-business to move to decent jobs.

With the aim of establishing the campaign throughout Africa, Bolton Rwanda joined Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Ghana and Nigeria to implement the first phase of the program.

So far, YPARD Rwanda counts on over 100 active members and YEAN as main partner, which has created an online platform of over 1,000 members interested in agricultural related stories, best practices and techniques. This online network could create synergies once a partnership between 'Farming is Cool Rwanda' and YPARD and YEAN will be signed.

See also

About Rwanda Ministry of Youth and ICT (MYICT)

About Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI)


Photo credit: Denis Kato Rutahunga


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