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From Hoe to iPad: YPARD & IAAS hosts event in Nigeria

The theme of the event was picked from an event held by FANRPAN a few years back. The idea was to help the Agriculture faculty students see the new directions of agriculture from just farming to agribusiness while placing more emphasis on the comfortable and enjoyable life that youth in agriculture can live and enjoy if they do things right.

YPARD and IAAS are both youth organizations with agriculture promotion amongst the youths as the core activity.It was thus no surprise that to extend the partnership between both bodies at the global level,YPARD Nigeria and IAAS Nigeria partnered to host the launch of IAAS Chapter at the Ebonyi State University.
The event which took place on July 24th 2015 attracted 150 youths and served as an opportunity for YPARD to be introduced to the university community and the first of its kind in South East Nigeria. YPARD Nigeria was represented by Olawale OJO the Country Representative and Praise Uke , YPARD Nigeria Partnership Officer at the event.

The event kicked off with a brief on the objective of the event by Olawale OJO and thereafter, opening speeches from the National Director of IAAS Nigeria, the Local Director IAAS EBSU and a presentation about YPARD and the need for the partnership with IAAS by Praise Uke followed.

The afternoon session served as an avenue for the participant to interact with four members of the University’s Faculty of Agriculture. These members shared their experiences on how they got into the Agricultural sector getting into the Ag sector which presented an opportunity to the participants to reflect and see the need for them to continue and take seriously their presence in the Ag sector.

In the year 2016 and beyond, YPARD Nigeria and IAAS will jointly co-host other event locally helping them reach out to more young professionals and also influence the need for change for a fast changing agricultural sector in Nigeria.

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