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Grants for women innovators worldwide

Woman in a field - MoldovaMany women around the world dream of running to office so that they can help build a better future, not only for themselves and their families, but for all people in their country.

Every women has a deep humanity and the will to be part of the change; we carry within us a core craving to add value and bring peace in every land.  In the end of the day I make a quick review to see if my energy has been invested in activities to make a difference and to ensure I am staying focused on adding value to others. Today I come up with some investigation results about grants to support women activities and financing their projects in global scale.

You have ideas to make a change; but where to find money to support your mission?

Many funding organizations along with other financial tools provide grants which is the most beneficial source of funding for women innovators that are just about starting-up their business ideas, promoting social change and capacity building.  

There are several global funds that strive to empower women around the globe by giving to them confidence to lead their communities, express their rights and opinions, and get engaged in leadership positions in local governance. One of them is Global Fund for women which provides funds for organizations and groups led by women. The  Global Fund for Women enables women in the developing world to participate in building peace and ending gender based violence; environmental and economic development; social change and increasing access to education.

By investing in women and girls` education, movements and project activities confer significant economic and social returns on nation development. In a purpose to create a modern women society the Global fund provides general support grants – covering expenses of program, project administrative costs. They also have classified grants such as innovation grants, strengthening and impact grants.

Innovation grants are meant to encourage new and sustainable projects that promote visibility and leverage resources for women rights program.                                         

Strengthening Grant aimed to enhance ability of women’s groups to successfully address different problems that women and girls are facing in the society and bring about positive social change.

Impact grants may be for a project that may include capacity building activities, research, national, regional and international workshop/seminar.

It is recognized that young women have better chance to strive in societies to protect their freedom, and find opportunities for capacity building. Global fund for women provides this support through travel grants, organizing meetings and event grants as well.

Considering the fact that girls can play important role in solving development problems we face in developing world and countries with high level of poverty, Nike Foundation's Grassroots Girls Initiative (GGI) provides opportunities of funding for adolescent girls to end poverty for themselves, their families, their communities, their countries. Its activities are focused on making girls visible and changing their social and economic dynamics by providing them with specific, powerful and relevant resources of financing, professional development and support.

A key aspect of change in society is investment in women empowerment, movement building and women`s rights which is supported by Mediterranean Women's Fund.   

To mobilize resources for global environmental sustainability Global Greengrants Fund channels donations into small grants for grassroots groups seeking environmental justice. It supports grantees that tackle issues related to biodiversity conversation, food and agriculture, water resources and most repressive environmental problems.

Getting connected to the network of these funding organizations can serve as a powerful catalyst to bring social change to the society. The support of women groups by providing grants for their advancement is considered as both moral imperative and key for innovation in society promoting prosperity.

Picture credit: Vatik

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