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Innovation, the key to attract Young Professionals to Agribusiness

Farming Freedom
Within an initiative started from YPARD-Brazil, here comes the second blog post of "All in One Rhythm" series. As the World Cup’s title, this initiative aims to use the young and the agricultural sector to foster development in Brazil.
Brazil is a huge country with great diversity in terms of culture, weather and economy. Around 1/3 of the country’s GDP is provided by agribusiness activities, where high tech agriculture coexists with low income production systems. Both systems suffer with the lack of skilled workers, because qualified students tend to search for bureaucratic jobs that pay better, provide stability and are located in big cities with access to a better lifestyle.

Innovation, an emerging sector for agriculture

To counterbalance this situation, Brazilian financial institutions provide credit with low interest rates to small farmers, who use mainly familiar workforce. There are also credit lines specially designed for young farmers and women associations, in order to foster the development in rural areas. Those strategies are combined with technical support provided by agronomists and vets who work to foment agencies.

Universities and research institutions also contribute to make small scale agriculture profitable and to produce sustainable technologies for small and large production systems. The development of low cost strategies to control pests and diseases and to provide nutrients for vegetables in an efficient way is increasing. Many companies related to innovative solutions for agriculture are emerging in Brazil.

A key strategy: Urban agriculture

Although all the excitement caused by this wave of innovation, there are still many problems to be faced, ranging from deficiencies in the basic education system that compromise the capability of our youth to assimilate new techniques, to the poor situation of our logistics that makes rural activity impractical in some areas.

Increasing the life quality and the perspective of opportunities in the countryside can attract more young people interested in building families. Urban agriculture is an interesting strategy already present in many Brazilian cities that can educate children, increase food security and re-establish the link of urban populations with the countryside.

Picture credit: It's oh so quiet, by Dimitri Castrique

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