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Moving YPARD Agenda Forward in Azerbaijan

YPARD Azerbaijan Seminar at the Azerbaijan Research Institute of Crop Husbandry On February the 5th, Halima Mammadova, a very active member of YPARD-Azerbaijan, organized a seminar at the Ministry of Agriculture-Azerbaijan Research Institute of Crop Husbandry (ASRCH). The activity was mainly organized for the members of the Young Scientist Association (YSA) as well as for the young representatives of several agricultural institutes.

For instance, the Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable; Azerbaijan Research Plant Protection; Azerbaijan Research Silkworm Institute; Azerbaijan Republic Agriculture State Scientific Control Institute for Veterinary Preparations, Azerbaijan Research Institute of Forages, Meadows and Pasture; Agrarian Science Centre and Azerbaijan State Agricultural University.

Mr. Cavanshir Talai, the director of ASRCH, opened the seminar by providing useful information on the International Mobile Workshop for the strengthening of the quality of a winter wheat. This event will take place in ASRCH and its Qobustan and Tartar regional experimental stations on 24th -27th of May, 2015.

Later Halima introduced the activities of the Young Scientist Association (YSA) and its future plans. Moreover, the young leaders of different agricultural institutions discussed different projects and potential future cooperation among these institutions.

One of the goals of the seminar was to introduce YPARD to the members of YSA. Halima made a presentation about the young professionals for agricultural development network and explained the benefits of becoming member of this organization.

In particular, she talked about how YPARD might help young professionals, who are interested in the development of agriculture, to get information about international events, agricultural education, as well as to network with other young professionals and key institutions in the agricultural field.

After Halima’s presentation, Nizami Imamverdiyev, YPARD country representative for Azerbaijan, joined the discussion via Skype. Nizami gave first a broad introduction about YPARD that led into a lively Q&A session with the rest of the participants.

In order to realize the future plans of YPARD-Azerbaijan, Halima organized different working groups to brainstorm about possible ways of moving forward. At the end of the seminar, Halima, Nizami and the participants of the seminar thanked Mr. Cavanshir Talai and YPARD for organizing such seminar and creating connections among the youth. 

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