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My journey so far with the Tropical Faculty at Czech University of Life Sciences

My name is Welcome Zimuto I was born in a small city of Masvingo in Zimbabwe. Growing up in a low-income family from a less developed country was never an easy task. It was a life of struggle.

In the summer of 2014, I joined the Faculty of Tropical Agri-sciences at Czech University of Life Sciences in pursuit of my Master Degree. Our class of 2016 was such a multiracial and cross-cultural group. The Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences set me on a path of new discoveries.

My two-year Master’s was punctuated by a range of courses in Sustainable development agricultural economics, crop science to mention a few. This multidisciplinary approach has prepared me to tackle various issues related to global and agricultural development issues, particularly in the tropics and subtropics. I must hasten to say that in the summer of 2015 I was involved in a summer school and research for cooperatives in Georgia under the stewardship of our faculty professors and the Czech development agency. This experience opened to me the realities of the development work in the caucus region. One of the major skills I gained during my research in Georgia is how to engage with farmers in the field during research projects. Furthermore, it opened me to the realities of how to apply the theoretical skills into practice in farm research.

In 2016 I successfully defended my research on cooperative farming and optimization and was accepted for Doctoral studies which am currently undertaking. The Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences is a unique faculty whose excellence has been underpinned by a multidisciplinary approach, modern teaching and hands own techniques. The various cooperation agreements and affiliations of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences enabled me to get exposure in international development projects and high-level scientific research and seminars such as Tropentag. Three months ago I participated as one of the researchers from my faculty at a high-level multidisciplinary conference Tropentag and linked up with high-level scientist and government officials which I believe will go a long way in sharpening my research skills as I progress with my doctoral studies.

Fellow agricultural youngsters from all countries and regions based on my experience at this great institution I strongly recommend you to join its academic community. The mission of our faculty in the higher education of foreign and Czech students has been a success story in the fields of tropical agriculture, rural development and the sustainable management of natural and energy resources in the tropics. For more detailed information I urge you click HERE to access the faculty website.

Hope to meet some if not all of you reading this at this moment in the upcoming academic year! Asante Sana!!!!

Picture credit: Pictures 1 & 3 Welcome Zimuto, Picture 2 FTZ

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