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New faces for YPARD Global Communications

By Marina Cherbonnier, YPARD communications and knowledge manager

At YPARD, we believe in structures than renew themselves and evolve. And indeed, as the new year starts, 2017 marks changes in the YPARD Global communications team as I will be leaving. Emmie Kio Wachira is taking up the YPARD Communications management while Stacy Hammond is becoming the youth-leader communications officer. As the current manager, I will be supporting Emmie and the rest of the team over a period of two months to smooth the transition and make sure that the necessary institutional and technical knowledge is transferred.

Emmie Kio Wachira, YPARD Communications manager

Emmie Kio Wachira

Emmie Kio Wachira has been working part-time as YPARD youth-leader communications officer with the YPARD Global coordination Unit, since August 2015. She has performed her responsibilities beyond expectations: she has led the delivery of meaningful and catchy content on YPARD’s communications channels as well as supported the building up of strong energetic young leaders at all levels. 

She has a thorough understanding of the international development arena and its panel of stakeholders, and she has proven herself able to think critically of youth empowerment in this context. This positions her as a youth leader herself – a “must” as part of the YPARD global unit. For more background information about Emmie, you can read the online introduction we had published when she joined the team as communications officer.

With her vibrant personality, Emmie has what it takes not only to manage YPARD’s communications strategy and activities but also, to be a true empowering and enthusiastic leader who will help uplift the community, on an international level, with insightful directions and initiatives, a restless support to the network and a passion for YPARD’s mission. This is what we need to change the status quo and get young professionals fully involved as agents of change in agriculture!

Stacy Hammond, YPARD youth-leader Communications officer

Stacy Hammond

Stacy Hammond, the YPARD communications and fundraising intern with YPARD Europe in 2016, brought an outstanding understanding of YPARD’s mission, objectives and activities, an incredible willingness to learn and an impressive energy.

Stacy is the new face and entry point of YPARD Global on social media and through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. She will support the blog editing and the feeding of the website on a part-time, with the help of our team of interns.

Stacy, while part of YPARD Global coordination unit, will still be physically based in Prague, at the Czech University of Life Sciences, the hosting organization of YPARD Europe, where she is carrying on her PhD on a part-time basis.

You can learn more about Stacy’s background through the online introduction we had published when she joined the team last year.

It is a delight to see the YPARD Global Coordination unit to increasingly shape up as a true international team with representation and perspectives from different regions of the world. Emmie and Stacy bring together the colors and the warmth from Kenya and Nicaragua. YPARD Global communications and its support to the team worldwide are in good and strong hands. You can only be surprised. Godspeed, Ladies!

Read my testimonial for the 10 years of YPARD for a glance at my journey with YPARD. Although I step out from my responsibilities, I am surely convinced that once you have stepped in YPARD Community, you have stepped in forever. Join us!

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