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New Resources on: Climate Smart Agriculture | Smallholder Value Chains | Youth in Action

Centre for Sustainable Development's special June Newsletter on the Best New Resources for Adaptation, Resilience and Sustainability presents best international resources on climate change, climate smart agriculture, smallholder value chains, health and water.
Centre for Sustainable Development encounters so many excellent nonprofit, climate change, DRR and development  resources that we periodically compile them in a special issue newsletter. Access and download these resources.

June Newsletter Summary:

Find current, downloadable tools and documents on these  themes:

Climate Change:

  • NAMAs
  • REDD+
  • Mainstreaming climate change resilience into development
  • Integrating Disaster Risk Management into Climate Change Adaptation
  • Climate Proof Development in Africa
  • Youth in action on climate change
  • The Demography of Adaptation to Climate Change
  • Eight Steps to Climate Proof Development in Africa
  • A Toolkit of Resilient Agricultural Responses to Climatic Challenges
  • Achieving food security in the face of climate change

Climate Smart Agriculture:

  • Climate Smart Agriculture Sourcebook
  • Young Professionals' Platform for Agricultural Research for Development
  • Interventions for Achieving Sustainability in Tropical Forest and Agricultural Landscapes
  • Forage crop production and management
  • A Scientific Perspective on Composting
  • Organic Resource Management
  • Smallholder farmers turn to drought resistant crops
  • Community Based Adaptation
  • Climate Smart Agriculture
  • Conservation Agriculture – A manual for farmers and extension workers
  • Conservation agriculture and smallholder farming: the heretics view
  • A review of the effectiveness of agriculture interventions and improving nutrition outcomes

Smallholder Value Chains:

  • Leaping and Learning. Linking Smallholders to Markets
  • Africa's Agriculture and Agribusiness Markets Set to Top US$ One Trillion in 2030
  • FARA Agricultural Value Chain Member Discussion June 2013
  • Growing Africa. Unlocking the Potential For Agribusiness
  • Coordinating approaches to women's market engagement
  • The importance of internships during a period of unemployment


  • 'Post -2015' international development goals. Who wants what and why.
  • An Action Agenda for Sustainable Development That. Report for the UN Secretary General
  • An introduction to the use of randomized controlled trials to evaluate development interventions


  • Nutrition 'must be a global priority', says researchers
  • Does a child die of hunger every 10 seconds?

Water Management:

  • Sand dams bank water for dry season in semiarid Kenya
  • Community dams aim to build water security in arid lands
  • Women, unity, water: Adapting to climate change in improving livelihoods
Source: Original post by Tim Magee,  the Executive Director of the Center for Sustainable Development, and the author of A Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation published by Routledge, Oxford, England.
You can subscribe to this newsletter or like the CSDi Facebook page.
The Center for Sustainable Development specializes in providing sound, evidence-based information, tools and training for humanitarian development professionals worldwide. CSDi is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The Centre for Sustainable Development can be contact here.


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