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Pakistan LR Team Hyderabad promotes YPARD in the Farmers Festival at Sindh Agriculture University

Discussion at Hari Mela YPARD Pakistan LR Team Hyderabad visited the mega event of Hari Mela (Farmers’ Festival), organized by the Sindh Agriculture University in the town of Tando Jam in collaboration with the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).

YPARD-Pakistan LR Hyderabad, Mr. Abdul Sattar, along with Mr. Abdul Jabbar (CEO of Al Mehran Rural Development Organization) and Rafique Wassan (LR –Communication & Fundraising) attended the event and visited different stalls. There were booths of different organizations, banks, research and academic institutions, as well as the one of the Sindh Government Agriculture & Extension Department which works on agricultural development in the region of Sindh. The LR Team interacted and exchanged ideas and knowledge with the representatives of the different organizations at displayed promotion stands. There, representatives had the opportunity to share publications and material on agriculture development as well as schemes for the farmers in agricultural loaning, fertilizers, seeds, technology transfer, agribusiness, livestock development, awareness and education.

LR Team interacted and exchanged ideas with Pr. Saghir Sheikh, director of the Institute of Food Sciences & Technology of the Sindh Agriculture University. Dr. Sheikh warmly welcomed the YPARD-Pakistan LR Hyderabad team and debriefed about their work in the mango production. Likewise, he informed that the Institute of Food Sciences & Technology has produced different items from mangoes which could be used to develop the domestic and international market. Furthermore, he said that they are engaged in trainings with diverse communities, especially with women farmers.

YPARD-Pakistan LR Hyderabad team appreciated the efforts of the Institute of Food Sciences & Technology of the Sindh Agriculture University and highlighted the need to develop collaborative actions to promote the agribusiness in Sindh. Dr. Shaikh expressed his willingness to coordinate and work with YPARD-Pakistan LR Hyderabad and ensured his support and services at any time.

Moreover, LR team was present at the conference session on agriculture in which different agriculture experts, researchers and government representatives shared their views and experiences on the issues of agriculture sector in Sindh.

LR Team distributed YPARD’s information material to the participants and representatives.




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