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Regional Workshop on Engaging Youth in the Implementation Phase of the CAADP Transformation Agenda - KIS

Where: FARA Secretariat in Accra, Ghana
When: 9th – 10th May, 2013


sunflowers - YPsAfrica has the largest share of children and youth, and it is expected to experience a ‘demographic dividend’ where the youthful population will peak, bringing a unique opportunity for rapid human capital development and economic growth. In fact, Africa possesses the fastest-growing and most youthful population in the world (AfDB, 2012).

Invariably, Africa is yet to recognize the treasures embedded in its youth and strategize on how to tap into this resource. One of the biggest challenges being faced by African policymakers, development partners and practitioners is how to effectively harness the potentials of young people – male and female – by equipping them with the requisite skills and knowledge in order to be fully engaged in the entire CAADP process at all levels, as well as the innovative approaches for making research, extension and education an integral part of the Agriculture and Food Security Investment Plans (AFSIPs) that African countries are currently developing.

Further, national CAADP implementation process and the AFSIPs present ample opportunities to practically and concretely integrate evidence based mechanisms and programme to address youth issues in a gender-sensitive manner.

As CAADP evolves from its ten-year planning phase to the implementation stage, there is increasing need for country-focused and demand-driven support to the knowledge, information and skills (KIS) components of Agricultural Food Security and Investment Plans (AFSIPs).

Thus the role of young agriculturist in supporting national KIS Team objectives cannot be overemphasized. One of the questions that needs to be addressed is how could Africa utilize its broad network of young agriculturist to operationalize and implement the new strategy for KIS?

‘Engaging Youth in the Implementation Phase of the CAADP Transformation Agenda – KIS’ - Workshop

Against this background, this Regional Workshop will focus on the theme: ‘Engaging Youth in the Implementation Phase of the CAADP Transformation Agenda – KIS’. It will take place on the 9th – 10th May, 2013, at the FARA Secretariat in Accra, Ghana.

It will look at the entire CAADP country and regional policy processes, and identify innovative approaches for making job creation for young people a top priority of the AFSIPs that Africa countries are currently developing.

The Workshop will bring together youth, youth leaders, and policymakers including CAADP Country Team Leaders to articulate a workable strategy for effectively engaging youth along the implementation phase of the CAADP Transformation Agenda – KIS.

YPARD Africa will partner in this initiative, bringing together key youths in agricultural development in Africa. By working with representatives from an established youth network, continuity and long term strategies related to youth and the CAADP can be tasked to these members, through YPARD Africa, for implementation and follow up.

Purpose and expected outcomes

The purpose of the Workshop is to develop a strategy for engaging youths along the implementation stages of the CAADP Agenda.

Expected outcomes are as follow:

  • Enhanced awareness and better understanding of the issues relating to the CAADP Framework;
  • Strategies for mainstreaming the contribution of young people in the CAADP country and regional processes;
  • Increased awareness and commitment on how young people could actively participate in the CAADP country and regional processes, and interact with each other and put their ideas into practice.
  • Enhanced knowledge of the YPARD Africa representatives on the CAADP and enhanced capacity to engage in the CAADP related activities, particularly on engaging and promoting youth
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