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Welcome to 2019: Looking forward and beyond

Dear YPARDians, Happy New Year!  The New Year comes with opportunities to assess our joint efforts, learn from them and celebrate our achievements. It is also an opportunity to do more, together. The achievements of YPARD over the years highlight how much YPARD has grown as well as the potential to grow further. The YPARD team has commenced a compilation of... More
  908 Hits
908 Hits

YPARD at Tropentag 2018 - Sharing information and connecting early career scientist

On Sunday, September 16th, 2018, YPARD implemented its interactive workshop at the Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Research in Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development - TROPENTAG. This years workshop was organized at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Campus Coupure in the University of Ghent, Belgium and was held as a part of the pre-conference activities. The objective... More
  811 Hits
811 Hits