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May 2017 f@rmletter- Resilient agricultural practices in the context of disasters

f@rmletter is a monthly e-magazine by the World Farmers' Organisation (WFO). Find below the link to the May 2017 issue.   The May edition of the F@rmletter opens with Robert Glasser making a case for resilience in the context of agricultural sustenance. He opines that; In order to promote resilient agricultural practices we need to recognize also the pressures of population growth... More
  529 Hits
529 Hits

YPARD Kenya acknowledged for the Kenya's youth in agribusiness strategy contributions

YPARD Kenya has been a very significant and irresistible voice in Kenya's policy environment in the last twelve months. Laudably, among all other reasons why YPARD Kenya is a resounding name in the Kenyan region is that the movement played a very vital role in developing Kenya’s Youth in Agribusiness Strategy which feeds into the overarching Government of Kenya’s National Agriculture... More
  791 Hits
791 Hits