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Farewell to the Goofy Bug Guy

Hectic yet reflective! The pilot GFAR-YPARD Young Agripreneur Project is coming to an end and in these posts, the six young agri-preneurs are pondering on their professional and personal journeys over the past twelve months. In April 2016, they all gathered in Johannesburg, where they thrilled the audiences at GCARD3 with their enthusiasm, drive and energy in describing their YAP projects. Now they are... More
  1663 Hits
1663 Hits

Experiential learning in agricultural science and natural resources management

As humans we can learn critical lessons from the experiences of fellow humans in agriculture science and natural resource management especially as the world has become “complex, chaotic, and contested”.  YPARD Zimbabwe is excited for the chance to speak to Miss Forget Shareka on her career in agricultural science and natural resources management.  One lesson is this: We must fight to... More
  1086 Hits
1086 Hits