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Advocacy for the new generation to take over agriculture in Burkina Faso

The issue of youth in agriculture The difficulty of the market to regulate youth employment, aging agricultural workforce, the multiplicity of initiatives qualified as "necessary entrepreneurship" for young people, the low involvement of young people in peasant organizations and their limited rights to access to land, such as the weakness of lobbying, call all stakeholders to a consultation. This is why... More
  436 Hits
436 Hits

From Lomé’ s agricultural fair to "What's Up": when Togolese young professionals get together

In order to sensitize young people and get them interested in agriculture in Togo, YPARD Togo  participated in the International fair of Food and  Agriculture in Lomé "SIALO" from 19 to 23 August 2015, to CETEF TOGO , commonly known as 'Togo Fair 2000'. The fair was organized by "Centaure communication" and its partners under the high patronage of the Prime... More
  768 Hits
768 Hits

Multi-facets of Youth inclusion at the GFAR Constituent Assembly

  It is often said good things don’t last. Such was the case when I participated in the GFAR Constituent Assembly as a social media reporter thanks to my affiliation with YPARD, the young professionals for agricultural development. The three days event went so fast that it looked like one day. The GFAR Constituent Assembly, the first ever assembly, was held... More
  926 Hits
926 Hits