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CTA Strategy Plan 2013-2017 released for Youth in Agriculture’s fostering

The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) published recently its Youth Strategy Plan from 2013 to 2017. After more than 15 years supporting and promoting youth engagement in agriculture, CTA has launched this strategy in order to boost the crucial role of young people in agriculture and rural development (ARD) to develop and modernise the sector. 70% of Africa’s... More
  1086 Hits
1086 Hits

Where is youth’s input for Forests Asia Development?

Not sure the five selected youth moderators for the ForestsAsia Summit’s Youth Session were expecting such an important role when applying. They are thoroughly preparing the event, with putting together discussions topics and pertinent questions; they moderate e-discussions, and design tailored facilitation methods and tools for the session’s round-tables. Isn’t it what it takes to lead relevant collective solutions and bring... More
  1187 Hits
1187 Hits