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New challenges to food security in Zambia

Climate change is real and has proved to have serious effects on maize production arising from erratic weather including late rains at the start of the season, droughts, floods due to heavy rains in many areas, which has direct negative effect on food production.  Notwithstanding, the already existing impacts of climate change on maize production, this blog post aims to attribute... More
  1335 Hits
1335 Hits

Announcing the YPARD visionaries for Strategic Planning Meeting 2018

From the 5th to 8th March 2018 the regional coordinators, national representatives, steering committee members and some members of YPARD from all over the world will hold the 2018 YPARD Strategic Planning Meeting. This meeting will be held at the hosting institution of the European Coordination Unit of YPARD:  the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS), Czech Republic. About the... More
  753 Hits
753 Hits