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Measuring economic and social benefits of development projects in agriculture – Field study of a young Researcher in Vietnam

Rahel Wyss, HAFL (Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences) How can available resources for development cooperation be used in the most useful and sus­tainable way for people in developing countries? Implementing agencies put much effort into show­ing their results to donors. Impact assessment is not a new term, but governments and donors wish for clearer... More
  964 Hits
964 Hits

mAgriculture: Future of Info-Poor Community

Majority of the small holder farmers are from developing countries and it is important to make the actionable information reach them in time. The farmers in the villages are struggling for the advisory and critical information related to the farming and allied activities. Most of the farmers still believe in the conservation methods of farming and the new technology information in... More
  715 Hits
715 Hits