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“PERFECT” opportunities for youth in Agriculture - Bridging the knowledge gap in Farming through the Radio

Hlamalani Ngwenya is an international consultant for GFRAS. She is involved in the “Talent development in agriculture: Growing ambitions for agricultural professionals” initiative that GFRAS is spearheading in collaboration with the International Agri-Food Network, YPARD, FAO, GCHERA, TAP, Nuffield International farming scholars and others.  This coalition serves as a response to the 2013 Committee on World Food Security’s endorsement of its... More
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Year round planning of YPARD Nepal

With successful completion of YPARD Awareness Campaign in agricultural universities of Nepal, YPARD had made a call to working body in Nepal. After series of informal gatherings and discussions, on 7-8 August 2013 YPARD Nepal hosted its first formal meeting including all the local representatives in Rampur, Chitwan making significant decisions for the year round activities. “YPARD is a global platform;... More
  1385 Hits
1385 Hits