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Youth up for CRP 1.1’s implementation in South Asia region

About 3 billion ha. of land (equivalent to near to 41% of the earth's land) are dry, says an article by the CGIAR Dryland Systems research program CRP 1.1. Furthermore the program states that within a population close to 2.5 billion in dry areas, 16 percent of the population is extremely poor. The CRP1.1 focuses on populations of the dry areas... More
  984 Hits
984 Hits

Encouraging Youth’s involvement in Agriculture and Agribusiness

According to the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS, 2013), the national unemployment rate is 23.9 percent with the youth accounting for more than 70 percent. Increased involvement of youth in agricultural activities will help reduce the problems of the ageing farm population and increasing youth unemployment. Nigeria’s government has attempted to stimulate youth’s interest in agricultural production and processing since the... More
  772 Hits
772 Hits