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Young Foresters for Food

Forests aren’t always filled with trees. Patches of trees outside of forests, and even in urban areas, can be important ecosystems, providing many of the same resources and opportunities as large forested areas, especially in terms of food sources. Young foresters, especially in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, are taking the lead in studying how these patches can improve food and nutrition... More
  818 Hits
818 Hits

Youth Digital Event: Make your voice heard during the AU Summit

In 2003, African heads of state have pledged to revitalize the agricultural sector on the continent through the allocation of 10% of their budget to the agricultural sector and a 6% annual growth rate of agriculture. Ten years later, only 8 of the 54 countries have met this commitment while more than 240 million people still suffer from malnutrition on the... More
  586 Hits
586 Hits