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Small-scale farmers to improve the ability to adapt to the market

Nepal has three typical terrain (mountains, hills and plains), carried out on a variety of terrain agriculture differently. Livestock farming is generally dominated in the mountains, hills region's agriculture places horticulture based, and plains are mainly planted cereal crops. Nepal has a rich agricultural biodiversity, many crops to adapt to strong growth in a variety of Climatic Zones, has great potential... More
  793 Hits
793 Hits

Big Thanks to Youth Supporters!

The road is long towards full inclusion of Young Professionals into strategic international actions for agricultural development. But the adventure enables you to meet and work with outstanding people who understand the critical role youth play for sustainable development. It is time to celebrate youth supporters and look at the achievement made together so far. GCARD2, 2012, represented a milestone for... More
  1065 Hits
1065 Hits