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Welcoming YPARD Social Media intern, Madhu Sudhan Ghimire

YPARD is delighted to welcome Madhu Sudhan Ghimire as Social Media Intern. Madhu will be working on spreading the word and animating YPARD social media channels on Facebook page and group, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+. He will be working remotely from Nepal some 10-15 hours a week. Madhu is a young nepalese student enrolled in a BSc. Agriculture at Tribhuwan... More
  771 Hits
771 Hits

Opportunities in Agriculture – Innovations lead the way!

It is imperative for any entrepreneurial youth to be a pioneer user of a technological innovation to reap its maximum benefit. The same is true for youth in agriculture. Adopting and implementing new agricultural technological advances, especially when eco-friendly does seem to promote a promising future. Fair trade regimes and organic agricultural systems are two innovations that increasingly play an important... More
  835 Hits
835 Hits