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Why It Is Up To The Millennials To Save The Earth

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges currently facing humanity; it has aggravated water crises, drought, frequent wildfires, food shortages, weaker societal unity, hindered economic growth and increased security risks, inequality and poverty. But, ultimately, this is the issue of the Millennial Generation and how we deal with it now defines what will we be dealing with in the future.... More
  755 Hits
755 Hits

We finally did it! Tech4agri on TV

We’re live! We finally did it! Check out our latest promo above. Tech4agri is now airing on local television station SynergyTV! It is nothing short of a milestone. As previous blog posts will show it was long and difficult road to get here but we actually did it. This television station airs locally but is part of the FLOW cable service line up... More
  776 Hits
776 Hits