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The near future of agriculture: opportunities for the Youth - YPARD China

YPARD China chapter organized a conference themed The Near Future Of Agriculture: Opportunities For The Youth on the 3rd June 2013. This conference held at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) had Prof. Ajit Maru, Senior Knowledge officer at Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) as the key speaker. It was also attended by key professionals and technical experts in... More
  945 Hits
945 Hits

Envisioning the Future! Siphiwe Honey Gold Farm and Preserve, Rum Cay Island, The Bahamas

In 2010, the idea for the ‘Siphiwe Honey Gold Farm and Preserve” project was born by 30 years old Raynard Christopher Burnside. He was unemployed seeking to be an agricultural science teacher, or any decent job related to his Bachelor of Science degree in Agribusiness Management and Master of Science degree in Tropical Animal Science and Production.In between the job applications... More
  778 Hits
778 Hits