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Open Space - identifying concrete action for working with rural youth

During three days, all participants of the 26th International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth in Germany have the great opportunity to learn more about the OPEN SPACE methodology. By practicing we learn how to use it as an instrument to find solutions and develop concrete actions for our organizations. The main objective of our OPEN SPACE these days is: “How can... More
  855 Hits
855 Hits

Targeting and Financing of Agricultural Research in Africa: The Great Paradox

The impact assessment studies on agricultural research in Africa (in most commodities including Rice, Maize) have shown  huge payoffs, more than any other investments, reaching rates of return of more than 100%. It is however, necessary to note that impacts of agricultural research have long time lags from initial investment to actually reaping the benefits. This is exacerbated by market failures... More
  799 Hits
799 Hits