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Youth and its key role to face environmental challenges

Some recent surveys show that during the year 2013 the total population growth in Pakistan was 1.91% while during the last 10 years average was 1.82%. As we are a growing population country with low economic growth, we have to be certain that we may ensure better quality of life which is only possible when living in a green and fresh... More
  1475 Hits
1475 Hits

Agriculture is a field that goes beyond studying agricultural related courses, agriculture is life

I still remember when I had just graduated from the University in 2008 and a company called me to meet for an interview to fill a Farm Supervisor's position. The first question I was asked was: “What is agriculture?”, and I immediately responded “agriculture is life”. The panel’s members that conducted the interview looked into each other's eyes and I smiled... More
  1038 Hits
1038 Hits

Cassava production: Turning minors to majors

Cassava is one of the most popular and widely consumed food crops in Africa thanks to its versatility. Due to the importance of this food in the region, it is commonly referred to as a cornerstone of food security in Africa. The competing needs for cassava cut across both human and animal consumption. Besides, it is fastly becoming a popular raw... More
  876 Hits
876 Hits