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How to give a once-in-a-lifetime speech

by Marina Cherbonnier and Michelle Kovacevic In just over a month, 10 young professionals will take the challenge to deliver a TedX-style talk during the youth session of the Global Landscapes Forum – Youth: The Future of Sustainable Landscapes. The objective of this showcase is to spotlight the active and crucial role that youth play in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, conservation and... More
  978 Hits
978 Hits

Who will take the place of the aging African farmer?

There are more young people in the African population than ever before. In fact, approximately 70 percent of the over 1 Billion people living in Africa are under the age of 30! What’s more, fewer and fewer young people are attracted to agriculture, or see it as a viable future for themselves. Emmanuel Ngenge Ngeh, Cameroonian founder of the Young Farmers... More
  975 Hits
975 Hits