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Agritainment: a catalyst for agribusiness growth in Africa

As a not-for-profit agribusiness organization, the Agrifood Value Innovation and Marketing Society, AGRIVIMS, searches for innovative pathways of achieving our vision in promoting Agrifood Value Innovations to benefit producers and consumers in sustainable environment. Global food security is reported to be under threat. Many farmers across the globe are aging with no replacement. The United Nation projects that world population could... More
  1169 Hits
1169 Hits

Welcoming YPARD China country representative: Zhong Li

We are delighted to welcome the new YPARD China country representative, Mr Zhong Li. Mr Li received his master’s degree of International Trade and Investment Policy from Elliott School of International Affairs of George Washington University and dual bachelor’s degrees of Economics from University of Colorado Denver and China Agricultural University. During his study, Mr Li worked closely with the International Monetary... More
  1184 Hits
1184 Hits