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Call for video submissions: What is the perception of youth in agriculture?

In the context of the European Development Days which will take place on 7th to 8th June 2017, COLECAP has launched a video campaign titled “What is the perception of youth in agriculture"? The video campaign aims at promoting agriculture among the youth. This video will be in the social networks and seen by several people as well as during the... More
  531 Hits
531 Hits

Hydrogels for Improving Water Use Efficiency in Agriculture

Hydrogels are hydrophilic cross-linked polymer chains. They are formed through physical, ionic or covalent interactions. Due to hydrophilicity, hydrogels have the ability to absorb water and swell growing in weight and size. Depending on the hydrogel type they can absorb and hold up to even 1500 times their weight. Similarly, they can release this water. The speed of water absorption depends... More
  842 Hits
842 Hits