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Belias Brothers – Young family farmers producing wine in Greece

The family of the three brothers Christos Belides (32), Miltiades Belides (30) and Theodoros Belides (20) has a long history of wine producing. Their grandfather was winegrower in Constantinople and in 1922 he took some of his wine varieties with him to Greece. Nowadays the winery is located near the city Kozani, in the north of Greece. The three brothers are... More
  844 Hits
844 Hits

FSN Forum in West Africa - How would you make agriculture more attractive for the youth?

“There won’t be development without youth. Young people have to be involved and finding how agriculture can be attracting for young people is the priceless solution we should seek after”. This is how Abdoulaye from Senegal sums up the main message that comes out from an online survey made by FSN Forum in West Africa in collaboration with YPARD, available in... More
  971 Hits
971 Hits