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Engage, engage, engage! - COP18 agriculture day !

We solicited you to integrate COP18 debates related to agriculture some days ago: Youth, agriculture and COP18: Time to engage! We shared a number of hints on  how to get involved from your seat: Youth, agriculture and COP18: HOW to engage NOW! Still not quite clear on what you can do concretely? Still in the phase of letting others speak for... More
  1061 Hits
1061 Hits

Empowering youth in ARD through YPARD: a commitment by GCARD2 constituencies!

YPARD, the Young Professionals' Platform for Agricultural Research for Development, as a core community of young professionals for young professionals in ARD, was given particular attention as mechanism through which supporting the youth from GCARD2 roadmap to implementation. Empowering Youth capacity building for ARD The dedicated session on empowering youth and women through capacity building (C2.2) comes naturally as the most... More
  850 Hits
850 Hits