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Thought for Food Global Summit 2016; A mind blowing conference experience

The Thought for Food 2016 Summit party

NO, conferences about “How to feed 9 billion by 2050?” do not have to be boring, grey haired, PowerPoint- followed by - PowerPoint and 100 - times - already - heard - solutions. 

They can be- YES! – A great party, inspiring, motivating, ideas generating, fresh and juicy! That’s how I’ve experienced the Thought for Food Global Summit 2016 which succeeded in bringing up new ideas with a young mind-set and a very welcoming attitude to “thinking out of the box” ideas! 

During two days in April, the next generation of agriculture and food experts came together in Zurich to reshape the future. More than 350 students, innovators and experts rethought, remade and rebuilt the agricultural and food sector in more than 30 workshop sessions. They redefined the nine dimensions of our common future and created the pathways from the present to our future world - a society which is meat free, causing zero food waste, globally interlinked but growing local food . All this will be based on open data sources, open space farming and use of turbo boosted natural processing hence creating a genetically engineered world with a rebooted behaviour in sustainable consumption and businesses. 

The summit’s output could not have been better and much more concrete than many results of similar conferences I’ve attended before. I even would call it a best practice example! The countless conversations with countless interesting young people, 10 keynote speakers, several workshops and 10 TFF Challenge Finalist Teams Pitches - and not to forget the morning rave at day two- have blown my mind. I left the summit fully inspired and motivated to continue my work in agriculture towards a better for us and the next generation.

Want to learn more about the mind challenging event? Check out

Or have a look at the 2016 TFF Global Summit Aftermovie

Or check out comments on twitter under #TFFsummit2016


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